Article Text
In this report, we detail the results of the 2010 BTS national pleural procedures audit, to which 58 hospitals covering a collective population of more than 20 million patients contributed data regarding local pleural procedure practice and training policies and the process and complications associated with a total of 824 chest drain insertions. The results highlight a promising increase in the use of real time ultrasound guidance for pleural procedures but also deficiencies in pre-procedure consent practice and a significant rate of avoidable minor complications such as drain fall-out and procedure related pain. Action points for improvement to local pleural procedure practice are suggested.
- Empyema
- mesothelioma
- pleural disease
- COPD mechanisms
- asthma
- asthma mechanisms
- COPD exacerbations
- cough/mechanisms/pharmacology
Statistics from
Competing interests None.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; internally peer reviewed.