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Images in Thorax
A case of pulmonary typical carcinoid with an extensive oncocytic component showing intense uptake of FDG
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Pulmonary carcinoid tumours, especially typical carcinoid, usually have lower FDG uptake than lung carcinoma.1 We present an unusual case of pulmonary carcinoid showing intense uptake of 18F-fluoro-deoxy-glucose (FDG).
FDG-PET CT scan showed increased tracer concentration corresponding to the 3 cm round tumour in the left lingula (figure 1). The maximal standardised uptake value (SUV) of the tumour was 39. Bronchoscopy was performed to show an endobronchial red-coloured polypoid mass with a smooth surface in the left B5a. Cytology obtained by endobronchial brushing showed uniform round to oval …
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Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.