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Pulmonary puzzle
Pulmonary and cutaneous nodules in an immunocompromised patient
  1. Panagiotis J Vlachostergios1,2,
  2. Spiros Karamagkiolis1,
  3. Konstantinos Karamitsos1
  1. 1Department of Internal Medicine, General Hospital of Larissa, Larissa, Greece
  2. 2Department of Medical Oncology, University Hospital of Larissa, University of Thessaly School of Medicine, Larissa, Greece
  1. Correspondence to Dr Panagiotis J Vlachostergios, Department of Medical Oncology, University Hospital of Larissa, University of Thessaly School of Medicine, Biopolis 41110, Larissa, Greece; pvlacho{at}

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Clinical presentation

A 74-year-old man was admitted to hospital due to dyspnoea, malaise and purple, plaque-like papular nodules on his hands (figure 1A), soles (figure 1B) and genitalia for a duration of 1 month. He reported a 5-month history of systemic corticosteroid use for treatment of giant cell arteritis. Laboratory tests disclosed severe lymphopenia and hypogammaglobulinaemia. Pancultures and serological tests were negative, including repeated HIV serology. Contrast-enhanced CT of the chest (2.5 mm slice thickness) demonstrated multiple bilateral solid pulmonary nodules with peribronchovascular distribution and a cavitating nodule …

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