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Decreased expression of TGF-β type II receptor in bronchial glands of smokers with COPD
  1. S Baraldo1,
  2. E Bazzan1,
  3. G Turato1,
  4. F Calabrese2,
  5. B Beghé1,
  6. A Papi3,
  7. P Maestrelli4,
  8. L M Fabbri5,
  9. R Zuin1,
  10. M Saetta1
  1. 1Department of Cardio-Thoracic and Vascular Sciences, Section of Respiratory Diseases, University of Padova, Padova, Italy
  2. 2Institute of Pathology, University of Padova, Padova, Italy
  3. 3Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Section of Respiratory Diseases, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy
  4. 4Department of Environmental Medicine and Public Health, University of Padova, Padova, Italy
  5. 5Department of Oncology and Hematology, Section of Respiratory Diseases, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
  1. Correspondence to:
    Dr M Saetta
    Divisione di Pneumologia, Dipartimento di Scienze Cardiologiche, Toraciche e Vascolari, Università degli Studi di Padova, 35128 Padova, Italy;


Background: The role of transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is still controversial, but it has been proposed that it may protect from mucus hypersecretion since it is able to downregulate mucin production. A study was undertaken to investigate the expression of TGF-β1 and its type II receptor (TGF-β RII) in the bronchial glands of smokers with COPD.

Methods: The expression of TGF-β1 and TGF-β RII were examined immunohistochemically in the bronchial glands of 24 smokers undergoing lung resection for solitary peripheral nodules: 12 with airflow limitation (smokers with COPD) and 12 with normal lung function.

Results: The expression of TGF-β1 in bronchial glands was similar in the two groups of subjects while that of TGF-β RII was lower in smokers with COPD than in smokers with normal lung function (p = 0.004). TGF-β RII expression was inversely correlated with the values of Reid’s index, a measure of gland size (p = 0.02, r = −0.50).

Conclusions: In the bronchial glands of smokers with COPD there is decreased expression of TGF-β RII which is associated with bronchial gland enlargement. These findings support the view that the absence of TGF-β signalling may induce structural changes in the bronchial glands which, in turn, may promote mucus hypersecretion.

  • FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second
  • FVC, forced vital capacity
  • Pao2, Paco2, arterial oxygen and carbon dioxide tensions
  • TGF-β, transforming growth factor β
  • TGF-β RII, TGF-β type II receptor
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • transforming growth factor β (TGF-β)
  • transforming growth factor type II receptor (TGF-β RII)
  • mucus hypersecretion

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  • Published Online First 14 October 2005

  • Supported by the Italian Ministry of University and Research and by the University of Padova (Grant CPDG 035929).

  • Competing interests: none declared.