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Mesenchymal cystic hamartoma of the lung: a rare cause of relapsing pneumothorax
  1. R J van Klaveren,
  2. H H M Hassing,
  3. J M Wiersma-van Tilburg,
  4. L K Lacquet,
  5. A L Cox
  1. University Hospital Nijmegen, Medical Centre Dekkerswald, Groesbeek
  2. Department of Pulmonary Diseases, St Maartensgasthuis, Venlo
  3. Department of Pathology, University Hospital Nijmegen, The Netherlands
  4. Department of Thoracic and Cardiac Surgery, University Hospital Nijmegen, The Netherlands


    A 14 year old boy is described with recurrent spontaneous pneumothoraces due to a mesenchymal cystic hamartoma, a very rare disease with a multicentric nature and a benign course in most patients.

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