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Diverticulosis of the main bronchi: a rare cause of recurrent bronchopneumonia in a child.
  1. A Barbato,
  2. A Novello, Jr,
  3. D Zanolin,
  4. P Corner,
  5. E Talenti
  1. Department of Paediatrics, University Hospital, Padua, Italy.


    Diverticulosis of the main bronchi, not associated with other organ abnormalities, developed in a 12 year old child. This abnormality caused recurrent bronchopneumonia in the lung with the main bronchi diverticulosis. Fibreoptic bronchoscopy helped to locate the lesion and selective bronchography, with injection of contrast medium through the suction channel of the fibreoptic bronchoscope, showed the morphology of this rare malformation.

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