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Platelet aggregate formation in vivo was assessed by means of the platelet aggregate ratio and from platelet release products (beta thromboglobulin, platelet factor 4, thromboxane B2) in 23 patients with chronic airflow obstruction with and without hypoxaemia and in 10 control subjects without respiratory disease. Eight of the 11 hypoxaemic patients were having long term oxygen therapy. The platelet aggregate ratio was lower in the hypoxaemic patients (0.88 (SE 0.03] than in the non-hypoxaemic (0.97 (0.01] and control groups (1.00 (0.02], and there was a trend to lower aggregate ratios in the more hypoxaemic patients. Platelet release products in the peripheral venous blood were not increased in the patients or control subjects. Platelet behaviour is altered in chronic hypoxaemia and this enhanced platelet activity could contribute to the pulmonary vascular damage found in these patients through direct effects or mediator release.