Table of contents
December 1990 - Volume 45 - 12
Research Article
- Management of the solitary metastasis. (1 December, 1990)
- Pulmonary tuberculosis in the elderly: a different disease? (1 December, 1990)
- Analysis of bronchial reactivity in epidemiological studies. (1 December, 1990)
- Modified muscle sparing posterolateral thoracotomy. (1 December, 1990)
- Inhaled micronised gentamicin powder: a new delivery system. (1 December, 1990)
- Effects of hypothyroidism on bronchial reactivity in non-asthmatic subjects. (1 December, 1990)
- Cystic fibrosis. 2. Lung injury in cystic fibrosis. (1 December, 1990)
- Ipecacuanha asthma: an old lesson. (1 December, 1990)
- Intercostal arteriovenous fistula due to pleural biopsy. (1 December, 1990)
- Occupational asthma in a pharmaceutical worker exposed to hydralazine. (1 December, 1990)
- BCG vaccination of schoolchildren in England and Wales. (1 December, 1990)
- Concentrations of cefixime in bronchial mucosa and sputum. (1 December, 1990)
- Antemortem recognition of brain metastases in malignant mesothelioma. (1 December, 1990)
- Local anaesthesia for fibreoptic bronchoscopy. (1 December, 1990)
Book Notices
- Respiratory Medicine (1 December, 1990)
- Eosinophils, allergy and asthma (1 December, 1990)
Letters to the Editor
- AUTHORS' REPLY (1 December, 1990)
- AUTHOR'S REPLY (1 December, 1990)
- The hyperimmunoglobulinaemia E and recurrent infections syndrome in an adult (1 December, 1990)