Table of contents
September 1988 - Volume 43 - 9
Research Article
- Epithelium derived relaxing factor: myth or reality? (1 September, 1988)
- Viral respiratory tract infection and exacerbations of asthma in adult patients. (1 September, 1988)
- Respiratory symptoms in arable farmworkers: role of storage mites. (1 September, 1988)
- Functional similarities of asbestosis and cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis. (1 September, 1988)
- Is nocturnal asthma caused by changes in airway cholinergic activity? (1 September, 1988)
- Effect of diazepam on sleep in patients with chronic airflow obstruction. (1 September, 1988)
- Fatal haematemesis arising from benign oesophagoatrial fistula. (1 September, 1988)
- Asthma induced by ivory dust: a new occupational cause. (1 September, 1988)
- Surgical management of pneumothorax in cystic fibrosis. (1 September, 1988)
- Laser photoresection in the preoperative assessment of a bronchial adenoma. (1 September, 1988)
- Diaphragm pacing. (1 September, 1988)
Book Notices
- Work-related Lung Disorders (1 September, 1988)
- State of the Art Reviews: Occupational Pulmonary Disease (1 September, 1988)
- Practical Bronchoscopy (1 September, 1988)
- Fundamental Techniques in Pulmonary and Oesophageal Surgery (1 September, 1988)