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Effect of nedocromil sodium on sulphur dioxide induced bronchoconstriction.
  1. C M Dixon,
  2. R W Fuller,
  3. P J Barnes
  1. Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Cardiothoracic Institute, London.


    Nedocromil sodium is a pyranoquinoline derivative that has been developed for the treatment of asthma. We report the results of a double blind randomised study of the effect of two doses of nedocromil sodium (2 and 4 mg) and matched placebo, delivered by metered dose pressurised aerosol, on bronchoconstriction induced by sulphur dioxide in six asthmatic subjects. Nedocromil sodium had no effect on baseline lung function. The magnitude of sulphur dioxide induced bronchoconstriction monitored by partial forced expiratory flow at 30% of reference vital capacity was significantly inhibited by nedocromil sodium 4 mg (p less than 0.05) but not by 2 mg. The maximum changes after placebo and after nedocromil 2 mg and 4 mg were -44.7, -32.7, and -11.8 l min-1. The area under the curve monitoring the effect over 6 minutes was significantly inhibited by both doses to the same extent, the mean changes after placebo and after nedocromil 2 mg and 4 mg being -349.3, -31.2, and 44.6 l. Dyspnoea was monitored by visual analogue scale and showed a significant reduction over 6 minutes with both doses of nedocromil. After placebo and after nedocromil 2 mg and 4 mg the mean maximum changes were 31.5, 13.7, and 15.7 mm, and the mean changes in area under the visual analogue scale-time curve were 289, 194, and 151 mm.min respectively.

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