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Infectious complications after heart transplantation.
  1. D K Cooper,
  2. R P Lanza,
  3. S Oliver,
  4. A A Forder,
  5. A G Rose,
  6. C J Uys,
  7. D Novitzky,
  8. C N Barnard


    Infection has been the major cause of death and morbidity in patients undergoing cardiac transplantation at Groote Schuur Hospital. Twenty-two (55%) patients suffered at least one major episode of infection, which accounted for 10 (59%) of the deaths in the first year. The major site of origin of infection was the lung, though dissemination was not infrequent. Bacteria accounted for 22 (59%) infections; but viral, fungal and protozoal infections were not uncommon and in fact accounted for seven (64%) of the fatal infections. Several unusual causative microorganisms have been isolated in this group of immunocompromised subjects. There is a higher incidence of infection in patients over the age of 35 years and in patients who did not comply with instructions and advice.

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