Table of contents
September 1981 - Volume 36 - 9
Research Article
- The asthma syndrome: inciters, inducers, and host characteristics. (1 September, 1981)
- Antigen of Haemophilus influenzae in bronchial tissue. (1 September, 1981)
- Non-malignant asbestos pleural disease. (1 September, 1981)
- Management of disrupted sternotomy. (1 September, 1981)
- Rationale for the surgical treatment of pulmonary metastases. (1 September, 1981)
- Ferritin, finger clubbing, and lung disease. (1 September, 1981)
- Hydralazine lung. (1 September, 1981)
- Bilateral congenital coronary artery fistula. (1 September, 1981)
- Traumatic chylothorax associated with subarachnoid-pleural fistula. (1 September, 1981)
- Chylothorax complicating repair of a left diaphragmatic hernia in a neonate. (1 September, 1981)
- Myopathy and external pulmonary artery compression caused by sarcoidosis. (1 September, 1981)
- Chronic pulmonary histoplasmosis in an irishman. (1 September, 1981)
- Allergic bronchopulmonary disease caused by fungi other than Aspergillus. (1 September, 1981)
- Oral VP-16-213 in advanced bronchogenic carcinoma. (1 September, 1981)
- Proceedings of the Scottish Thoracic Society and the Thoracic Society (1 September, 1981)