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Single primitive ventricle with normally related great arteries and atresia of the left A-V valve.
  1. E O Coto,
  2. J M Raggio,
  3. P Malo,
  4. C Sainz,
  5. R Aparisi,
  6. J M Gomez-Ullate


    A child aged 2 years and 9 months was angiocardiographically diagnosed to have a single ventricle with normally related great arteries and atresia of the left A-V valve. A Blalock-Hanlon procedure and division of a large patent ductus arteriosus were followed by reduction in pulmonary artery pressure, but after operation the patient showed signs of left ventricular failure unresponsive to medical treatment, necessitating pulmonary artery banding. We have found only three similar published cases, and this is the only one with full angiographic documentation.

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