Table of contents
October 1977 - Volume 32 - 5
Research Article
- Cerebral protection during open-heart surgery. (1 October, 1977)
- Transbronchial lung biopsy: A review of 85 cases. (1 October, 1977)
- Thoracoscopy in the diagnosis of pleural effusion. (1 October, 1977)
- Intravenous or inhaled salbutamol in severe acute asthma? (1 October, 1977)
- Extrinsic allergic alveolitis: a disease commoner in non-smokers. (1 October, 1977)
- Roôle of carcinoembryonic antigen in bronchial carcinoma. (1 October, 1977)
- Pulmonary calcinosis. (1 October, 1977)
- Pulmonary dirofilariasis: report of a human case. (1 October, 1977)
- Experience with a tuberculosis antigen test in Rhodesia. (1 October, 1977)
- Rupture of the normal aortic valve after blunt chest trauma. (1 October, 1977)
- Primary lymphosarcoma of the lung with unusual features. (1 October, 1977)
- Pulmonary metastases from basal-cell carcinoma of skin. (1 October, 1977)
- Proceedings of The Thoracic Society (1 October, 1977)