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Lymphomatoid granulomatosis--a condition with affinities to Wegener's granulomatosis and lymphoma.
  1. A R Gibbs


    A case of lymphomatoid granulomatosis of the lung is described in which the presenting features were a skin eruption and peripheral neuropathy. The onset of the pulmonary symptoms of breathlessness and productive cough was delayed nine months but, when apparent, the extent of the radiological changes contrasted with the mildness of the symptoms and the triviality of the physical signs. Biopsy of the affected lung revealed a mixed lymphocytic, plasma cell, and histiocytic infiltrate following a perivascular distribution. This combination of clinical and pathological findings is in every detail that of lymphomatoid granulomatosis as recently identified by Liebow et al. (1972). Additional, previously undescribed, and unexplained findings in this case were persistent hypercalciuria and the presence in three axillary lymph nodes of subcapsular groups of cells resembling those of a benign naevus. This is the first case described in the British literature, and it is important that more cases be reported in order that the prevalence, prognosis, and aetiology of the condition should be further established.

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