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Arterial blood gas tensions, hydrogen ion, and electroencephalogram during sleep in patients with chronic ventilatory failure.
  1. A G Leitch,
  2. L J Clancy,
  3. R J Leggett,
  4. P Tweeddale,
  5. P Dawson,
  6. J I Evans


    We have studied arterial PO2, PCO2, and hydrogen ion and electroencephalogram during sleep in 10 patients with stable severe chronic respiratory failure. As a group the patients slept badly. Sleep was associated with a worsening of hypoxia and no significant change in PCO2 and H+. Two patients were restudied, receiving oxygen therapy overnight. Both had improved sleep but one, who had an intact hypoxic drive to breathing, developed marked hypercapnia and acidosis when his PO2 was restored to normal during sleep; the other, who had no hypoxic drive to breathing, developed no more hypercapnia or acidosis during sleep when breathing oxygen than when breathing air. Oxygen therapy may improve sleep disturbance in these patients, but its effect on the drive to breathing during sleep should be considered if severe hypercapnia and acidosis are to be avoided.

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