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Effect of atropine on sputum production.
  1. M T Lopez-Vidriero,
  2. J Costello,
  3. T J Clark,
  4. I Das,
  5. E E Keal,
  6. L Reid


    The effect of atropine on sputum production has been studied in patients with asthama, chronic bronchitis, and bronchiectasis in some of whom there was bronchorrhoea. In three patients a reduction in sputum volume was observed after atropine but it would seem that the decrease was mainly due to the inhibitory effect on salivary secretion which facilitates spitting. The one patient treated with long-term oral atropine showed a marked reduction in sputum volume although chemical constituents and viscosity levels remained unchanged, suggesting that in this case atropine had an inhibitory effect on bronchial gland secretion.

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