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Clinical features of non-tuberculous constrictive pericarditis
  1. Hamid Ikram,
  2. Seamus O. Banim,
  3. Arthur R. Makey
  1. Charing Cross Hospital (Fulham), London W6 8RF


    Ikram, H., Banim, S. O., and Makey, A. R. (1974).Thorax, 29, 204-208. Clinical features of non-tuberculous constrictive pericarditis. This paper describes the clinical features of five cases of constrictive pericarditis of non-tuberculous aetiology. The findings in this syndrome are compared with those in tuberculous constrictive pericarditis. The non-tuberculous variety had a short history, and absence of ascites and third heart sounds. Pericardial calcification, paradoxical arterial pulse, and the marked `y' descent in the venous pulse were absent in contrast to tuberculous constriction. An atrial sound was usual and the chief venous wave was the `a' wave.

    The difficulty in diagnosing this type of pericardial constriction and its differentiation from `restrictive' cardiomyopathy is discussed. It is suggested that all currently available diagnostic techniques are liable to failure and, if in doubt, a diagnostic thoracotomy is mandatory.

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