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Management of bronchial carcinoma by segmental resection
  1. B. T. Le Roux
  1. Thoracic Unit, Edinburgh 1


    Of 4,000 patients with bronchial carcinoma, a small peripheral tumour in 17 was managed by segmental resection because the lesion palpated at thoracotomy was thought to be tuberculous, because the segment in which the tumour lay was separated from adjacent lung by an anatomically complete fissure, or to avoid unnecessary limitation of an already diminished respiratory reserve. One patient died as a direct result of operation; eight died from metastases or recurrence of tumour one to seven years after operation; three died from non-metastatic causes; and five are alive five to eight years after operation. From this small selected group of patients the results of management of bronchial carcinoma by segmental resection seem no worse than after more extensive resections for small tumours.

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    • 1 Present address: Thoracic Unit, Wentworth Hospital, Durban