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Pulmonary monosporosis: An uncommon pulmonary mycotic infection
  1. P. C. Reddy,
  2. C. S. Christianson,
  3. D. F. Gorelick,
  4. H. W. Larsh
  1. Missouri State Sanatorium, Mt. Vernon, Missouri
  2. Department of Botany and Microbiology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma


    Pulmonary monosporosis is an uncommon form of fungal disease of the lung and bronchorespiratory passages. To date, only six isolated cases have been reported in the literature. It is the purpose of this communication to present the clinical findings, laboratory data, radiographic appearance, and description of the pathology findings in three additional cases identified at the Missouri State Sanatorium. The fungus Monosporium apiospermum is present in the soil and has a world-wide distribution. It has been shown to produce localized lesions in the foot called maduromycosis. Pulmonary infection due to this fungus has no characteristic clinical pattern, but the cultural characteristics of M. apiospermum permit specific identification. Histologically, the pulmonary involvement shows a variegated non-specific pattern. In the majority of cases, well-defined, predisposing factors are present. A review of the reported six cases and a study of our three cases strengthens our belief that the organism acts as a secondary invader. To date, no mode of therapy has appeared to exert a beneficial influence on the course of the disease. To our knowledge, no clinical trial using any of the antifungal agents has been attempted. Surgical treatment is indicated whenever the lesions are considered resectable. From our observations, we conclude that pulmonary infection with M. apiospermum could be recognized more frequently if physicians were more aware of this fungal infection and if the mycology laboratories would take additional care in specific identification.

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