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Vascular anomalies compressing the oesophagus and trachea
  1. J. C. R. Lincoln,
  2. P. B. Deverall,
  3. J. Stark,
  4. E. Aberdeen,
  5. D. J. Waterston
  1. Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, London W.C.1


    Vascular rings formed by anomalies of major arteries can compress the trachea and oesophagus so much as to cause respiratory distress and dysphagia. Twenty-nine patients with this condition are reviewed and discussed in five groups. The symptoms and signs are noted. Radiological examination by barium swallow is the most useful diagnostic aid. Symptoms can only be relieved by operation. The trachea is often deformed at the site of the constricting ring. Only infrequently is there immediate relief from the pre-operative symptoms. Two babies were successfully treated for an aberrant left pulmonary artery.

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