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Left ventricular aneurysm
  1. C. H. Beckerling,
  2. B. H. Gibb,
  3. H. G. H. Houghton,
  4. B. T. Le Roux
  1. Thoracic Surgical Unit of the University of Natal, Durban
  2. Cardiological Unit of the University of Natal, Durban
  3. King George V Jubilee Hospital, Durban


    Left ventricular aneurysm in African patients is most often luetic; the only other common left ventricular aneurysm in African patients is agnogenic and not a complication of coronary artery disease. The management of a left ventricular aneurysm by surgical excision with cardiorespiratory bypass in an African patient is described. The literature which relates to left ventricular aneurysm in African patients is briefly reviewed.

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