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Bronchial carcinoid tumours
  1. R. Abbey Smith
  1. Thoracic Surgical Unit, King Edward VII Chest Hospital, Hertford Hill, near Warwick


    Some features of 22 cases of carcinoid tumour are described. The histology of the tumour was the criterion for inclusion in the series. The histology was reviewed by an observer unfamiliar with the clinical features. Six patients, each with an entirely endobronchial tumour of typical histology treated satisfactorily by surgery, are excluded from further consideration; the remaining 16 are considered for factors which may be significant in assessing the long-term prognosis, in addition to a histological assessment. The experience in this series is compared with a number of considerably larger series from the literature. The conclusion is reached that no single feature, histological or clinical, can be a basis for reaching a reliable prognosis. Lobectomy is regarded as the operation of choice in treatment.

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