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Reconstructed heterograft aortic valves for human use
  1. Marian I. Ionescu,
  2. Yehia A. S. Mashhour,
  3. Geoffrey H. Wooler
  1. Department of Thoracic Surgery, The General Infirmary at Leeds and Leeds University

    Preparation and surgical implantation for mitral, aortic, and tricuspid replacement


    The technique of preparing prosthetic aortic heterologous valves for clinical use is outlined in detail, and the surgical implantation of these grafts into the mitral, aortic, and tricuspid areas is described. Between February and December 1967, 42 such grafts have been inserted into 41 patients with good results up to 10 months since the operation. No systemic emboli have occurred although anticoagulants have not been used for more than four to six weeks postoperatively.

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