Table 2

Baseline characteristics of the patients with mannose binding lectin (MBL) deficiency and patients without MBL deficiency in the microbiome subcohort study. GOLD class was calculated based on the 2011 guidelines. p Values were calculated through pairwise comparisons by T test for parametrical data and Mann-Whitney U test for non-parametrical data

MBL deficient genotypesMBL non-deficient genotypesp Value
Demographics and major comorbidities
 Age, years (SD)72.8 (±7.3)70.8 ± (8.2)0.2
 Age at diagnosis, years (SD)59.5 (±9.1)60.2 (±11.9)0.8
 Male gender (%)22 (64.7)67 (62.6)0.8
 Active smokers (%)7 (20.6)21 (19.6)0.9
 Cigarette smoking by pack years (SD)45.1 (±29.9)41.7 (±28.9)0.6
 Body mass index (SD)28.2 (±5.3)28.1 (±5.6)0.9
 Myocardial Infarction (%)4 (12.1)12 (11.2)0.9
 CABG (%)3 (8.8)12 (11.2)0.7
 Angina (%)6 (18.2)24 (22.4)0.6
 Stroke (%)7 (20.6)6 (5.6)0.008
 Diabetes (%)5 (14.7)22 (20.6)0.4
COPD characteristics
 FEV1 per cent predicted (SD)65.0 (±19.4)72.1 (±20.7)0.08
 MRC Dyspnoea Score (SD)3.0 (±1.5)2.58 (±1.4)0.1
 Exacerbations per year (SD)1.5 (±1.5)1.9 (±1.9)0.3
 Blood eosinophils >2% (%)16 (47.1)70 (65.4)0.06
 GOLD Score0.6*
 A (%)2 (5.9)15 (14.0)
 B (%)14 (41.2)38 (35.5)
 C (%)2 (5.9)4 (3.7)
 D (%)16 (47.1)50 (46.7)
 SGRQ (SD)47.8 (±23.3)39.7 (±22.6)0.07
 On LTOT (%)0 (0)5 (4.7)0.2
 ICS/LABA (%)22 (64.7)62 (57.9)0.5
 LABA alone (%)3 (8.8)13 (12.1)0.6
 LAMA (%)19 (55.9)51 (47.7)0.4
 Mucolytic (%)7 (20.6)10 (9.3)0.08
 Aspirin (%)10 (29.4)27 (25.2)0.6
 β blocker (%)5 (14.7)13 (12.1)0.7
 Statin (%)20 (58.8)56 (52.3)0.5
 ACE inhibitor (%)7 (20.6)30 (28.0)0.4
 Clopidogrel (%)3 (8.8)7 (6.5)0.7
  • *indicates Χ2 test across all four GOLD groups. 

  • CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; GOLD, Global Obstructive Lung Disease; ICS, inhaled corticosteroids; LABA, long-acting β agonist; LAMA, long-acting muscarinic antagonist; LTOT, long-term oxygen therapy; SGRQ, St George’s Respiratory Questionnaire.