Table 1

Characteristics of study population

CharacteristicsFirst examinationSecond examination
n/N or mean% or (SD)n/N or mean% or (SD)
Male sex1908/391248.8
Symptomatic study arm of ECRHS cohort550/391214.1
Age completed full-time education
 <17 years689/389317.7
 17–20 years1367/389335.1
 >20 years1837/389347.2
Age in years (mean (SD))43.2(7.1)54.3(7.1)
Height in cm (mean (SD))170.4(9.6)169.8(9.6)
Weight in kg (mean (SD))74.4(15.2)78.3(16.1)
 Continuous, in kg/m2 (mean (SD))25.5(4.3)27.1(4.8)
 <25  kg/m21980/389450.81414/389136.3
 25–30 kg/m21399/389435.91575/389140.5
 >30 kg/m2515/389413.2902/389123.2
 Ex-smoker with <15 pack-years747/391219.1716/361619.8
 Ex-smoker with ≥15 pack-years392/391210.0586/361616.2
 Current smoker with <15 pack-years395/391210.1140/36163.9
 Current smoker with ≥15 pack-years585/391215.0456/361612.6
Second-hand smoke exposure at home or work1423/389336.6727/389118.7
 Other non-manual989/391225.3856/391221.9
 Skilled manual394/391210.1313/39128.0
 Semiskilled/unskilled manual360/39129.2355/39129.1
  • *Defined as FEV1/FVC less than the lower limit of normal predicted using the Global Lung Initiative equations.29

  • †Report of either arthritis, hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, cancer and stroke. Only available for 19 out of 25 participating centres at the first examination. All centres collected this information at the second examination.

  • BMI, body mass index; ECRHS, European Community Respiratory Health Survey; n, number of cases; N, total available sample size.