Table 1

Table showing the baseline characteristics of the Tayside Allergy and Respiratory Disease Information System (TARDIS) cohort analysis by mannose binding lectin (MBL) genotype. p Values were calculated by three-way comparisons (Kruskal-Wallis for non-parametrical data, analysis of variance for parametrical data and Χ2 test for categorical data) across all groups

MBL deficient genotypeMBL intermediate genotypeMBL sufficient genotypep Value
N (% of study cohort)240 (13.4)586 (32.6)970 (54.0)n/a
Average follow-up length in years (SD)5.44 (±2.1)5.34 (±2.0)5.43 (±2.1)0.9
Age at diagnosis, years (SD)65.6 (±9.0)64.23 (±9.6)64.4 (±9.6)0.1
Male gender (% of group)131 (54.6)308 (52.7)506 (52.2)0.8
Cigarette smoking by pack years (SD)41.6 (±20.6)41.0 (±20.3)41.3 (±22.7)0.7
Body mass index (SD)27.0 (±5.6)26.9 (±5.4)27.2 (±5.6)0.9
FEV1 % predicted (SD)79.6 (±20.8)78.7 (±24.4)78.0 (±22.1)0.3
MRC Dyspnoea Score (SD)2.44 (±1.0)2.53 (±1.0)2.48 (±1.0)0.6
FEV1/FVC (SD)0.59 (±0.1)0.58 (±0.1)0.58 (±0.1)0.3
Cardiovascular disease (% of group)24 (10.0)53 (9.0)78 (8.0)0.6
Renal failure (% of group)5 (2.1)17 (2.9)19 (2.0)0.5
Cancer (% of group)12 (5.0)29 (4.9)39 (4.0)0.6
Hypertension (% of group)137 (57.1)322 (54.9)524 (54.0)0.7
Diabetes (% of group)48 (20.0)105 (17.9)194 (20.0)0.6
Inhaled corticosteroids (% of group)123 (51.3)349 (59.6)570 (58.8)0.1
Long-acting muscarinic antagonist (% of group)67 (27.9)175 (29.9)257 (26.5)0.4
Statins (% of group)71 (29.6)178 (30.4)313 (32.3)0.6