Table 4

Between-group differences following the intervention for each subgroup

Mean difference (95% CI)p Value
6MWD (m)
 9 weeks68 (10 to 124)31 (−5 to 66)3 (−53 to 60)0.0060.0080.730.18
 6 months92 (36 to 148)0.9 (−36 to 38)21 (−35 to 77)
CRDQ Dyspnoea
 9 weeks1.5 (−3.1 to 6.2)3.1 (0.1 to 6.0)2.8 (−2.0 to 7.5)0.050.590.270.61
 6 months−0.2 (−4.9 to 4.5)1.5 (−1.5 to 4.6)3.6 (−1.1 to 8.2)
CRDQ Fatigue
 9 weeks4.1 (0.4 to 7.7)2.0 (−0.3 to 4.3)−0.4 (−4.1 to 3.4)0.050.460.990.17
 6 months1.4 (−2.2 to 5.1)1.1 (−1.3 to 3.5)1.8 (−1.9 to 5.4)
CRDQ Emotion function
 9 weeks5.3 (−0.5 to 11.0)3.0 (−0.7 to 6.6)−0.8 (−6.7 to 5.1)0.050.790.880.18*
 6 months4.6 (−1.1 to 10.4)1.2 (−2.6 to5.0)1.9 (−3.9 to 7.7)
CRDQ Mastery
 9 weeks4.9 (0.4–9.5)3.7 (0.8 to 6.5)−2.0 (−6.8 to 2.6)*
 6 months2.2 (−2.4 to 6.8)−0.7 (−3.7 to 2.3)3.1 (−1.5 to 7.7)
SGRQ-I Symptoms
 9 weeks−19.8 (−37.3 to −3.4)−3.9 (−13.4 to 5.6)−9.9 (−25.4 to 5.6)<0.0010.670.030.50
 6 months−19.9 (−37.5 to −3.2)−4.7 (−14.8 to 5.4)−9.9 (−25.1 to 5.3)
SGRQ-I Activity
 9 weeks−14.6 (−30 to −0.9)−7.2 (−15.6 to 1.1)0.1 (−13.6 to 13.8)
 6 months−8.0 (−21.4 to 5.4)−3.0 (−11.8 to 5.8)−8.2 (−21.6 to 5.2)
SGRQ-I Impact
 9 weeks−7.4 (−18.4 to 3.7)−6.4 (−13.3 to0.5)−2.0 (−13.2 to 9.3)0.220.720.0030.50
 6 months0.1 (−11.1 to 10.9)0.8 (−6.5 to 8.1)−2.7 (−13.7 to 8.4)
SGRQ-I Total
 9 weeks−9.6 (−18.3 to −0.4)−5.7 (−11.1 to 0.3)−2.8 (−11.6 to 6.0)0.010.780.0040.56
 6 months−5.0 (−13.6 to 3.7)−0.8 (−6.5 to 5.0)−4.6 (−13.3 to 4.1)
MMRC Dyspnoea scale
 9 weeks−1.0 (−1.7 to −0.3)0.009 (−0.4 to 0.5)−0.1 (−0.8 to 0.6)0.030.810.310.36
 6 months−0.7 (−1.4 to −0.005)−0.3 (−0.8 to 0.1)−0.06 (−0.8 to 0.7)
 9 weeks−13.5 (−27.9 to 0.9)6.5 (−2.5 to 15.6)13.5 (−1.2 to 28.2)0.940.230.310.13
 6 months −7.5 (−21.8 to 6.9)−0.2 (−9.7 to 9.2)−0.4 (−14.9 to 14.2)
Knee extensor strength (kg)
 9 weeks−0.6 (−4.1 to 2.8)2.0 (−0.1 to 4.2)0.7 (−2.7 to 4.2)0.460.990.730.5
 6 months−1.8 (−5.2 to 1.5)1.0 (−1.3 to 3.3)2.1 (−1.3 to 5.5)
Elbow flexor strength (kg)
 9 weeks−1.8 (−4.1 to 0.6)1.0 (−0.5 to 2.5)0.04 (−2.3 to 2.4)0.620.030.520.37
 6 months−0.2 (−2.5 to 2.2)−0.3 (−1.8 to 1.3)−0.5 (−2.8 to 1.9)
  • Data are estimated marginal means for exercise group – control group derived from linear mixed models. p Values are for group effect (between-group difference independent of time), time effect (change over time independent of group), subgroup (differences in subgroups independent of time and group) and subgroup×group×time interaction. p Values <0.05 were considered statistically significant.

  • *p<0.05 subgroup×time. There were no significant group×time or group×subgroup interactions. Positive increase represents improvement except for MMRC, UCSD SOBQ and SGRQ-I.

  • 6MWD, six-minute walk distance; CRDQ, Chronic Respiratory Disease Questionnaire; CTD, connective tissue disease; ILD, interstitial lung disease; IPF, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; MMRC, Modified Medical Research Council; SGRQ-I, St George Respiratory Questionnaire IPF-specific version; UCSD SOBQ, University College of San Diego Shortness of Breath Questionnaire.