Abstract P212 Table 1

Summary of interventions to increase referral to and uptake of Pulmonary Rehabilitation (PR) programmes for people with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Authors, Date, SettingDesignParticipantsInterventionOutcomesResults/Effect
Angus et al., 2012, UKObservational/feasibility study covering several aspects of COPD management293 patientsComputer-guided review by practice nurse% referred to PR24% of patients referred
Foster et al., 2016, UKParticipatory action research with strategies for increasing referrals for PR22 clinicians
126 patients
Included in-house education sessions, changes to practice protocols, and ‘pop-ups’ and memory aids (mugs and coasters) to prompt clinician/patient discussions about PR.Patient surveySurvey reports expectation of increased access to benefits of PR
Graves et al., 2010, UKBefore/After comparison600 patients
(200 control/400 intervention)
Group opt-in session prior to individualised assessment and entry to PR% taking up baseline assessment,% attending and completion of PRNo effect on initial uptake
Harris et al., 2009, AustraliaControlled Before/After study249 patientsPatient-held manual of recommended COPD management% enrolment to PR, other indicators of COPD managementIncreased enrolment in PR seen only in most socioeconomically disadvantaged participants
(outcome change + 12%)
Hull et al., 2014, UKQuality improvement with repeated audit cycles3391 patients on COPD registers across networkEstablishment of networks of GP practices with supported case management, education and financial incentives for clinical performance% PR referrals, other indicators of COPD managementPR referrals rose 25% from 45% to 70%
Roberts et al., 2015, UKPragmatic non-randomised controlled study1235 patients
(640 intervention/595 control)
Patients provided with individualised COPD care quality “score cards”% PR referrals6.1% increase in referrals in intervention group
Zwar et al., 2012, AustraliaCluster randomised controlled trial with blinded outcome assessment451 patients
(257 (57.8%) confirmed to have COPD)
Home visit by nurse with specific COPD training working with GP to implement individualised care plan based on guidelines% attendance at PR, other indicators of COPD management21.5% increase in PR attendance
(31.1% v 9.6%; OR, 5.16; 95% CI: 2.40–11.10)