Abstract P248 Table 1

Results for all IPF patients: Demographics and Disease Severity by FVC percent predicted

Total IPF patients n = 528
Sex Male Female Row total
Number of patients (proportion)431 (82%)97 (18%)528
Ethnicity Caucasian Non-Caucasian
Number of patients (proportion)453 (86%)75 (14%)528
Characteristic Unit Median IQ range
Age years7268–78
FVC litres2.1751.700–2.780
Reference equations used ECSC FVC%pred64.952.2–75.9
GLI FVC%pred60.649.3–72.4
NHANES FVC%pred58.949.4–70.0
FVC percent predicted range
>80% <80% Row total
Reference equations used ECSC Number of patients98430528
GLI 73455528
NHANES 64464528
  • Key for Table 1: FVC = forced vital capacity; ECSC = European Community for Steel and Coal; GLI = Global Lung Index; NHANES = National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; %pred = percent predicted; IQ = interquartile