Abstract P216 Table 1

Multivariate analysis of predictive factors significantly associated in univariate analysis with patient or carer PM

Patient PM cases (n = 39)Patient PM non-cases (n = 70)Odds ratio (95% CI)Significance
Carer PM cases, n (%)
Y17 (15.6)13 (11.9)3.667 (0.916–14.680)0.066
N22 (20.2)57 (52.3)
Patient gender, n (%)
M24 (22.0)42 (38.5)0.728 (0.194–2.740)0.639
F15 (13.8)28 (25.7)
No. of exacerbations at home, median (IQR)3.5 (2–6)2 (0–3)1.313 (1.006–1.713)0.045*
CRQ dyspnoea score, median (IQR)1.8 (1.6–2.6)2.8 (1.8–4)1.227 (0.628–2.398)0.549
CRQ fatigue score, median (IQR)2.5 (2–3)3.75 (3–4.5)0.392 (0.173–0.889)0.025*
CRQ mastery score, median (IQR)3.25 (2.25–3.75)4.75 (4.25–5.5)0.264 (0.129–0.539)0.000*
No. of patient physical co-morbidities, median (IQR)4 (3–6)4 (2–5)0.832 (0.577–1.201)0.326
Carer PM cases (n = 30) Carer PM non-cases (n = 79) Odds ratio (95% CI) Significance
Patient PM cases, n (%)
Y17 (15.6)22 (20.2)3.869 (1.070–13.990)0.039*
N13 (11.9)57 (52.3)
Carer gender, n (%)
M2 (1.8)29 (26.6)6.180 (1.167–32.712)0.032*
F28 (25.7)50 (45.9)
Lives with patient, n (%)
Y24 (22.4)71 (66.4)1.883 (0.438–8.100)0.395
N6 (5.6)6 (5.6)
Duration of caring in years, median (IQR)3.5 (2–12)7 (4–13)0.964 (0.903–1.030)0.278
Hours of caring, median (IQR)a 3 (2–3.5)3 (2–4)0.859 (0.420–1.755)0.676
No. of exacerbations at home, median (IQR)3 (1.5–5.5)2 (0–3.75)1.048 (0.880–1.247)0.599
No. of carer physical co-morbidities, median (IQR)1 (1–2)1 (0–2)1.184 (0.769–1.825)0.443
  • (a) 1 = <1 h/week, 2 = 1–19h/week, 3 = 20–49h/week, 4 = >50 h/week.