Table 4

Summary data for short-term psychosocial outcomes (T1) by trial arm and screening result

Outcome (T1)Intervention
Intervention arm (n=1653) by screening result†
Incidental finding
Positive—repeat scan
Positive—MDT referral
Cancer distress‡
M (95% CI)
Low T0 scorers
2.14 (2.13 to 2.16)**
8.54 (8.44 to 8.64)
Low T0 scorers
2.11 (2.10 to 2.12)
8.26 (8.16 to 8.36)

2.12 (2.10 to 2.13)
8.32 (8.18 to 8.45)

2.15 (2.08 to 2.22)
8.56 (7.97 to 9.19)

2.23 (2.22 to 2.25)**
9.34 (9.19 to 9.49)

2.47 (2.41 to 2.54)**
11.88 (11.10 to 12.72)
High T0 scorers
2.50 (2.46 to 2.53)
12.14 (11.73 to 12.55)
High T0 scorers
2.53 (2.50 to 2.57)
12.61 (12.15 to 13.09)
M (95% CI)

1.54 (1.51 to 1.57)
3.67 (3.54 to 3.80)

1.56 (1.53 to 1.59)
3.78 (3.64 to 3.92)

1.51 (1.47 to 1.55)
3.54 (3.35 to 3.73)

1.50 (1.32 to 1.68)
3.49 (2.75 to 4.39)

1.56 (1.52 to 1.60)
3.76 (3.57 to 3.96)

1.87 (1.70 to 2.04)**
5.49 (4.48 to 6.67)
M (95% CI)

1.26 (1.23 to 1.29)
2.53 (2.42 to 2.63)

1.34 (1.31 to 1.37)**
2.81 (2.70 to 2.92)

1.27 (1.23 to 1.31)
2.55 (2.41 to 2.70)

1.20 (1.02 to 1.38)
2.31 (1.76 to 2.97)

1.26 (1.22 to 1.30)
2.51 (2.37 to 2.66)

1.40 (1.24 to 1.56)
3.05 (2.44 to 3.78)
Decision satisfaction (n, %)
Not very satisfied
Very satisfied

875 (58)
624 (42)

953 (66)**
498 (34)

378 (54)
324 (46)

22 (56)
17 (44)

450 (64)**
255 (36)

18 (43)
24 (57)
  • *p≤0.01, **p≤0.001.

  • Numbers vary in each cell due to missing data.

  • †n=13 excluded at T1 due to discrepancies in the classification of baseline CT scan results.

  • ‡Logn scores are provided in normal text and original scale scores are provided in italics (analyses performed using logn scores). Estimated marginal means are presented. Higher scores denote higher levels of the relevant outcome.