Table 1

Candidate variables for prediction of risk of asthma exacerbation based on Box2-2B of the GINA 2014 report and their operationalisation* for the predictor analysis

Risk factor for exacerbations (GINA 2014)Operationalisation in ACCURATE database
1Uncontrolled asthma symptomsAsthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ-5; continuous)
2High SABA use≥1 puff a day during the last 7 days before baseline
3Inadequate ICS: not prescribedNo ICS prescribed at baseline
4Inadequate ICS: poor adherenceMedication Adherence Rating Scale (continuous)
Inadequate ICS: incorrect inhalation techniqueNot available
5Low FEV1Prebronchodilator FEV1% predicted (continuous)
6Major psychological problemsSelf-reported use of antidepressants
7Major socioeconomic problemsIncome (ordinal)
8Exposures: smokingCurrent smoking
9Exposures: allergen exposure if sensitisedPositive-specific IgE titres to house dust mite and/or grass and/or birch pollens† and/or IgE positivity to cat or dog combined with ownership
10Co-morbidities: obesityBody mass index (continuous)
11Co-morbidities: rhinosinusitisSelf-reported complaints of chronic sinusitis
12Co-morbidities: confirmed food allergySelf-reported food allergy
PregnancyNot available
Sputum/blood eosinophiliaNot available
13Ever intubated or intensive careSelf-reported hospitalisation (ever) for asthma
14≥1 severe exacerbation in last 12 monthsSelf-reported steroid burst/hospital admission for asthma in the previous year
  • *Operationalisation of some variables differed from the GINA report; FeNO was also assessed in one of the models (values were analysed as dichotomous variables unless stated otherwise).

  • †Exposure to each of these allergens can be assumed in the Netherlands.

  • ACCURATE, Asthma Control Cost-Utility RAndomized Trial Evaluation; ICS, inhaled corticosteroids; SABA, short-acting β2-agonist.