Table 1

Categorical shift analysis of absolute change in per cent predicted FVC during two consecutive 6-month intervals in the pooled placebo population

Month 6 to month 12
Patients, n (%)*FVC stable or improvedFVC decline >0 to <10%FVC decline ≥10%DeathMissing†Total, n
Baseline to month 6FVC stable or improved32 (19.8)102 (63.0)19 (11.7)2 (1.2)7 (4.3)162
FVC decline >0 to <10%117 (31.7)213 (57.7)17 (4.6)6 (1.6)16 (4.3)369
FVC decline ≥10%16 (27.1)17 (28.8)7 (11.9)13 (22.0)6 (10.2)59
Death00019 (100)019
Missing†0001 (6.7)14 (93.3)15
Total, n165332434143624
  • *Percentages represent proportion of patients in the same row.

  • †Missing due to reasons other than death.