Table 2

Summary of CHEST/American College of Chest Physicians guidelines for pharmacological treatment of PAH18

Treatment naïveMonotherapy with any approved ERA, PDE5i or riociguatMonotherapy with any approved ERA, PDE5i or riociguatMonotherapy with parenteral prostanoid
Treatment naïve, unable or unwilling to receive parenteral prostanoidsInhaled prostanoid plus ERA
Treatment naïve with evidence of rapid disease progression or markers of poor prognosisInitial monotherapy with parenteral prostanoid or subcutaneous treprostinil
Receiving one or two oral therapies with evidence of rapid disease progression or markers of poor prognosisAddition of parenteral or inhaled prostanoid
Receiving ERA or PDE5i but remains symptomaticAddition of inhaled prostanoid
Receiving established monotherapy, with unacceptable clinical status▸ Add inhaled prostanoids to stable ERA/PDE5i
▸ Add sildenafil to epoprostenol
▸ Add riociguat to bosentan, ambrisentan or inhaled prostanoid
▸ Add macitentan to PDE5i
Receiving dual combined therapy, with unacceptable clinical statusAdd a third class of therapy. Patient should ideally be treated at an expert centre
  • *Pharmacotherapy is not recommended for patients with WHO FC I.

  • ERA, endothelin receptor antagonist; PAH, pulmonary arterial hypertension; PDE5i, phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitor; WHO FC, WHO functional class.