Table 2

Exploratory factor analysis: promax factor loading*

Item numberFactor 3Factor 2Factor 1
 Q7—Breathless today0.7770.0400.056
 Q8—Describe how breathless0.7470.122−0.170
 Q9—Short of breath—personal care0.7490.103−0.053
 Q10—Short of breath—indoor0.750−0.0790.081
 Q11—Short of breath—outdoor0.644−0.1540.196
RS-Cough & Sputum
 Q2—How often cough0.0170.7170.156
 Q3—How much mucus when cough0.0040.850−0.082
 Q4—Difficulty bringing up mucus0.0710.4470.284
RS-Chest Symptoms
 Q1—Chest feel congested0.0060.2900.575
 Q5—Have chest discomfort−0.029−0.0430.876
 Q6—Chest feels tight0.1130.0690.622
  • n=188.

  • In bold: Factor 3: RS-Breathlessness; Factor 2: RS-Cough & Sputum, Factor 1; RS-Chest Symptoms.

  • For each item, response scale scores range from 5 to 6, with higher scores reflecting greater severity.

  • 2=44.24 (DF=25), p=0.010; RMSEA=0.064, RMSR=0.027.

  • RMSEA, root mean square error of approximation; RMSR, root mean square residual; RS, respiratory symptoms.