Table 4

Results from Tier 3 of Delphi

DomainInstrumentAcceptance in
DyspnoeaBorg Dyspnea IndexCTD-ILDIPF
MRC Breathlessness (Chronic Dyspnea) Scale or the Modified MRC Dyspnea ScaleCTD-ILDIPF
Borg Dyspnea Index pre and post exerciseCTD-ILD
HRQoLMedical Outcomes Trust Short Form 36 health surveyCTD-ILDIPF
St George's Dyspnoea Respiratory QuestionnaireIPF
Visual analogue scale of Patient Assessment of Disease ActivityCTD-ILDIPF
Ability to carry out activities of daily livingCTD-ILD
Health Assessment Questionnaire Disability IndexCTD-ILD
Lung imagingExtent of honeycombing on HRCTCTD-ILDIPF
Extent of reticulation on HRCTIPF
Extent of ground glass opacities on HRCTCTD-ILD
Overall extent of ILD on HRCTCTD-ILDIPF
Lung physiology/functionSupplemental oxygen requirementCTD-ILDIPF
FVC on spirometryCTD-ILDIPF
Diffusion capacity of lung for carbon monoxideCTD-ILDIPF
6MWT with maximal desaturation on pulse oximetryCTD-ILDIPF
6MWT for distanceIPF
SurvivalTime to decline in FVCCTD-ILDIPF
Progression-free survivalCTD-ILDIPF
Time to deathIPF
MedicationsIncrease or decrease in glucocorticoidsCTD-ILDIPF
Increase or decrease in concomitant immune suppressive agentsCTD-ILDIPF
  • 6MWT, 6 min walk test; CTD-ILD, connective tissue disease associated interstitial lung disease; FVC, forced vital capacity; HRCT, high-resolution CT; IPF, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; HRQoL, health-related quality of life; MRC, Medical Research Council.