Table 1

Demographic data of study subjects

Allergic asthmaHealthy
Age, mean (range)21.5 (19–32)21 (19–31)
Sex (M/F)7/7*1/13
FEV1%pred, mean±SD105±12110±12
PC20, geometric mean (95% CI)2.41 (1.29 to 4.48)***>16
PCR-positive for RV16 on day 6, n (%)11 (79%)9 (64%)
RV16 neutralisation on day 42–56, n (%)11 (79%)9 (64%)
Confirmed viral infection†, n (%)13 (93%)11 (79%)
LRTI with RV16, n (% of confirmed)10 (77%)8 (73%)
  • *p<0.05 (χ2 test).

  • ***p<0.001 (Mann–Whitney U test).

  • †Confirmation by PCR or RV16 neutralisation.

  • BAL, bronchoalveolar lavage; FEV1%pred, forced expiratory volume in 1 s expressed as percentage of the predicted value; LRTI, lower respiratory tract infection based on positive PCR in bronchial brush, BAL cells or BAL fluid; PC20, provocative methacholine concentration causing a 20% fall in FEV1; RV16, rhinovirus type 16.