Table 1

Baseline characteristics of participants by quartiles of telomere length

1st quartile (longest)2nd quartile3rd quartile4th quartile (shortest)
n=11599n=11600n=11599n=11598p For trend
Telomere length, base pairs5323 (5007–5842)4402 (4240–4568)3821 (3684–3956)3204 (2950–3387)
Age, years53 (43–62)56 (46–65)60 (50–69)65 (56–73)<1×10−300
Men, n (%)5026 (43)5155 (44)5433 (47)5740 (49)1×10−22
Body mass index, kg/m225 (23–28)26 (23–28)26 (23–29)26 (23–29)5×10−48
Smoking status
 Former smoking, n (%)4236 (37)4512 (39)4787 (41)5121 (44)3×10−33
 Current smoking, n (%)2857 (25)2758 (24)2909 (25)2841 (25)0.14
 Smoking inhalation, n (% of former or current smokers)5927 (84)5909 (81)6032 (78)5984 (75)1×10−39
 Cumulative smoking, pack-years5 (0–22)6 (0–24)9 (0–29)12 (0–32)4×10−103
Occupational exposure to dust/fumes, n (%)1499 (13)1531 (13)1650 (14)1766 (15)4×10−7
 <8 years in school, n (%)1635 (14)1820 (16)2289 (20)2754 (24)4×10−94
 C-reactive protein, mg/l1.4 (0.8–2.6)1.5 (1.0–2.6)1.6 (1.1–2.8)1.7 (1.2–3.1)5×10−152
  • Continuous variables are shown as medians (IQR) and categorical variables are shown as numbers (%).