Table 1

Characteristics of 382 patients with tuberculous pleurisy

Characteristicsn (%)Pleural effusion culture, n (%)p Value
Positive, n=241Negative, n=141
Age (mean ± SD)62±2063±2160±190.20*
Gender (men/women)270/112173/6897/440.54
Visit to diagnosis, median (IQR)15 (7–29)17 (8–30)14 (6–27)0.08
Underlying diseases
 COPD or current smoker92 (24)54 (22)38 (27)0.32
 Diabetes mellitus73 (19)52 (22)21 (15)0.11
 Cancer54 (14)45 (19)9 (6)<0.001
 Renal replacement therapy33 (9)28 (12)5 (4)0.007
 Heart failure23 (6)19 (8)4 (3)0.05
 Past history of tuberculosis17 (4)8 (3)9 (6)0.16
 Liver cirrhosis16 (4)14 (6)2 (1)0.04
 Autoimmune diseases10 (3)8 (3)2 (1)0.34
 HIV seropositive8 (2)6 (2)2 (1)0.72
 Post transplantation4 (1)3 (1)1 (1)1.00
Effusion site
 Right237 (62)147900.46
 Left149 (39)9851
  • p Values were calculated using χ2 or Fisher's exact test unless otherwise specified.

  • * Student t test.

  • Mann–Whitney U test.

  • Bilateral tuberculous pleurisy in four cases.

  • COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.