Table 1

Patient demographic and anthropometric data

 Age (years), mean (SD)49 (14)
 Men/women, n25/3
 BMI (kg/m2), mean (SD)31.7 (4.1)
Medical history and medication, n
 Type 2 diabetes2
Sleep apnoea, mean (SD)
 AHI (events/h)37.9 (23.9)
 ODI (events/h)31.3 (22.4)
 SaO2-T90 (%TST)6.90 (11.3)
 Min SaO2 (%)78.3 (11.0)
 ESS10.3 (4.90)
  • AHI, Apnoea Hypopnoea Index; BMI, body mass index; ESS, Epworth sleepiness score; Min SaO2, minimum arterial oxygen saturation; ODI, Oxygen Desaturation Index; SaO2-T90 (%TST), percentage of total sleep time spent with arterial oxygen saturation less than 90%.