Table 8

Cost of infant care by maternal randomisation status

Vitamins (n=65)Placebo (n=53)Difference (99% CI)p Value
Any cause
 All hospital admissions£242 (672)£171 (381)£71 (−138 to 384)0.475
 Outpatients£390 (624)£165 (285)£226 (27 to 488)0.009
 A&E£76 (156)£54 (106)£22 (−33 to 103)0.363
 Prescriptions£43 (64)£21 (26)£22 (3 to 50)0.007
 GP visits£209 (143)£151 (88)£57 (3 to 123)0.011
 Total cost (any cause)£1309 (1931)£785 (1185)£524 (−132 to 1352)0.066
 All admissions£74 (303)£98 (293)£−23 (−177 to 119)0.519
 Outpatients£31 (98)£7 (32)£25 (−2 to 73)0.046
 A&E£23 (72)£24 (54)£−1 (−27 to 39)0.908
 GP visits£61 (66)£41 (36)£20 (−5 to 49)0.049
 Prescriptions£8 (12)£4 (7)£3 (−0 to 9)0.056
Total cost (respiratory-related)£271 (758)£290 (644)£−19 (−328 to 374)0.859
  • Mean (SD) costs are given in £ sterling.

  • Mean differences between groups are given with bootstrapped 99% CIs and p values (10 000 replications), allowing for clustering by mother.