Table 5

Association between Borg breathlessness scores and measured variables during exercise in 15 patients with cystic fibrosis before the onset of neuromechanical dissociation (rest to 60% of total exercise time)

ParameterSpearman (r)95% CIp Value
EMGdi%max0.9060.483 to 0.986<0.001
sEMGpara%max0.9060.483 to 0.986<0.001
MV (l/min)0.9060.483 to 0.986<0.001
V′o2/kg ( to 0.986<0.001
PTPdi (cm H2O.s.l/min)0.9060.483 to 0.986<0.001
PTPoes (cm H2O.s.l/min)0.9060.483 to 0.986<0.001
TTI0.9060.483 to 0.986<0.001
V′co2 (l/min)0.9060.483 to 0.986<0.001
Petco2 (mm Hg)0.9060.483 to 0.986<0.001
RER0.709−0.094 to 0.9530.074
IC (l)−0.869−0.980 to −0.3280.012
  • EMG, electromyogram; EMGdi%max, diaphragm EMG activity normalised to maximal evoked EMG during inspiratory manoeuvres; IC, inspiratory capacity; MV, minute ventilation; Petco2, end tidal carbon dioxide; PTPoes, oesophageal pressure time product; PTPdi, diaphragm pressure time product; RER, respiratory exchange ratio; sEMGpara%max, surface parasternal EMG activity normalised to maximal evoked EMG during inspiratory manoeuvres; TTI, tension time index; V′co2, carbon dioxide production; V′o-2, oxygen uptake.