Table 1

Baseline characteristics among adults with COPD by follow-up status

Cohort (n=1051)No follow-up (n=151)p-Value
Age (mean years, SD)58.3 (6.2)57.6 (6.4)0.19
Female sex (n, %)620 (59%)71 (47%)0.006
Race (white, non-hispanic)725 (69%)87 (58%)0.006
Educational attainment (n, %)
 High school or less300 (29%)51 (34%)0.03
 Some college453 (43%)72 (48%)
 College degree+298 (28%)28 (19%)
Household income (n, %)*
 Low income (<$20K)103 (9.8%)26 (17%)0.064
 Medium income ($20–80K)614 (58%)85 (56%)
 High income (>$80K)247 (24%)29 (19%)
Smoking history (n, %)
 Past smoker571 (54%)73 (48%)0.032
 Current smoker330 (31%)63 (42%)
 Never smoker150 (14%)15 (10%)
Forced expiratory volume in 1 s1.80 (0.77)1.77 (0.81)0.67
  • Proportions are column %.

  • Forced expiratory volume in 1 s per cent was 63% in both groups. The proportion of subjects who were GOLD Stage II or higher was similar in both groups (61%).

  • * A minority of all subjects (8%) declined to report their income.