Table 1

Cohort characteristics (n=370)*

At baselineTB (n=185)No TB (n=185)Difference (95% CI) in means or OR (TB vs no TB)
 Present18.4%10.8%OR 1.86 (1.03 to 3.37)
At follow-up
Age (years)
 Mean (SD)44.0 (6.4)43.9 (6.4)0.1
 Median (IQR)44.2 (10.4)44.0 (9.9)(−1.2 to 1.4)
Employment (years)
 Mean (SD)22.7 (7.4)22.3 (7.7)0.4
 Median (IQR)23.5 (12.8)23.4 (11.3)(−1.2 to 1.9)
Duration from baseline (years)
 Mean (SD)4.5 (0.5)4.7 (0.5)−0.2
 Median (IQR)4.6 (1.0)4.8 (1.0)(−0.3 to −0.1)
History of bronchitis
 Present1.6%1.0%OR 1.51 (0.25 to 9.13)
History of asthma
 Present8.6%2.7%OR 3.41 (1.22 to 9.51)
History of pneumonia
 Present6.4%4.8%OR 1.36 (0.56 to 3.30)
Smoking history
 Never or past52.4%69.2%1.00
 Current47.5%30.8%OR 2.04 (1.33 to 3.12)
  • * Median (IQR) included if variable is non-normally distributed.

  • TB, tuberculosis.