Abstract P175 Table 1

Comparison of average air leak over 48 h and overall chest drain duration by initial air leak reduction (i.e. <50ml/min in 30mins), for each surgical procedure

Surgical procedureAir leak reduced to <50ml/min in 30mins? (%)N (%)Average leak over next 48hrs (ml/min)Significance of difference (p value)Drain duration (days)Significance of difference (p value)
Lung resectionY34 (38.6%)34.4 5.0
N55 (61.4%)
Total/Average 88 (100%)114.4 6.1
PleuralY18 (64.3%)9.1 3.00
N10 (35.7%)*0.19
Total/Average 28 (100%)76.4 5.4
EmpyemaY7 (58.3%)9.83 7.0
N5 (41.7%)1001.40.0815.40.12
Total/Average 12 (100%)423.0 10.5
  • *However, sensitivity analysis shows no difference (3.0 days) once a single outlier of 70day duration was removed from ongoing air leak group