Table 1

Characteristics of study subjects and their lesions

Lesion outcome
CharacteristicCancer (in situ) (case subjects)Cancer free (control subjects)
Subjects, n1224
Categorised baseline histology*
Age at baseline (years)
Smoking status
Number of pack-years
COPD status
 COPD staging
History of ENT/lung cancer
AFB follow-up time (months)
Overall follow-up time (months)
  • *Lesions were classified into three categories: LGD, HGD and indeterminate on the basis of the highest histomorphological abnormality scored on H&E-stained FFPE and frozen sections (see online supplementary table 1 for detailed information per lesion).

  • †Number of pack-years is missing for one subject.

  • ‡AFB follow-up is missing for three subjects.

  • AFB, autofluorescence bronchoscopy; ENT, ear–nose–throat; GOLD, Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease; HGD, high-grade disease; indeterminate, indefinite for histological grade; LGD, low-grade disease.