Table 2

Summary of inpatient management

Control (n=45)PEP (n=45)p Value
Bronchodilator therapy44 (98)45 (100)0.315
Antibiotic therapy44 (98)45 (100)0.315
Steroids (intravenous, oral)40 (89)43 (96)0.238
Oxygen therapy30 (67)35 (78)0.239
Need for ventilatory assistance6 (13)11 (24)0.178
 Ventilatory assistance <48 h4 (9)10 (22)0.081
 Ventilatory assistance >48 h4 (9)4 (9)1.000
 Ventilatory assistance duration, hours18 (2.3–192.9)10.9 (1.8–50.1)0.743
 Time until weaned, days1.41 (0.1–20.2)0.63 (0.1–6.4)0.743
Serious clinical deterioration (all-cause)6 (13)9 (20)0.396
Development of acute sputum retention5 (11)3 (7)0.459
Hospital length of stay, days4.3 (2.9–7.6)4.9 (3.0–7.3)0.591
  • Data are n (%) or median (interquartile range). p Values represent χ2 or Mann–Whitney U tests. p Values<0.05 were considered statistically significant.

  • PEP, positive expiratory pressure.