Table 1

ILD (IIP, non-IIP, sarcoidosis), PCP and control subgroups used for analysis

IIP (n=5)
 Age, year (mean±SD)54.6±22.8
 Sex, male (n)2
 Immunosuppressive therapy (n)2
 Detailed diagnosisIPF(2), UIP (2), COP (1),
 FEV1% (range; mean±SD)40–108; 74.8±24.5
 FVC % (range; mean±SD)42–118; 77.4±29.5
 TLC % (range; mean±SD)43–104; 76.2±27.8
Non-IIP (n=6)
 Age, year (mean±SD)56.0±17.9
 Sex, male (n)5
 Immunosuppressive therapy (n)3
 Detailed diagnosisRA (1), asbestosis (1), EP (3), EAA (1)
 FEV1% (range; mean±SD)55–75; 65.5±8.2
 FVC % (range; mean±SD)58–85; 74.2±11.7
 TLC % (range; mean±SD)*52–94; 76.0±16.0
Sarcoidosis (n=7)
 Age, year (mean±SD)48.5±6.5
 Sex, male (n)6
 Immunosuppressive therapy (n)1
 FEV1% (range; mean±SD)60–136; 91.4±26.1
 FVC % (range; mean±SD)65–131; 99.6±28.1
 TLC % (range; mean±SD)59–122; 94.0±21.6
Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) (n=6)
 Age, year (mean±SD)58.3±10.6
 Sex, male (n)5
 Immunosuppressive therapy (n)6
 FEV1% (range; mean±SD)†56–101; 80.8±19.6
 FVC % (range; mean±SD) †52–115; 84.0±23.0
Normal controls (n=9)
 Age, year (mean±SD)57.6±11.4
 Sex, male (n)6
 Immunosuppressive therapy (n)0
  • *No TLC data available for patient (ID 12).

  • †No lung function data available for patient (ID 25) with Pneumocystis pneumonia.

  • COP, cryptogenic organising pneumonia; EAA, exogenous allergic alveolitis; EP, eosinophilic pneumonia; FEV1%, forced expiratory volume in 1 s as a percentage of the predicted value; FVC %, forced vital capacity as a percentage of the predicted value; IIP, idiopathic interstitial pneumonia; ILD, interstitial lung disease; IPF, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; non-IIP, non-idiopathic interstitial pneumonia; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; TLC %, total lung capacity as a percentage of the predicted value; UIP, usual interstitial pneumonia.