Abstract S75 Table 1.

Signs, symptoms & risk factors.

Respiratory SymptomsRisk Factors & Miscellaneous symptomsLevel of ConsciousnessHydration & Perfusion
1.     Respiratory rate
2.     Grunting
3.     Nasal flare
4.     Recession
5.     Accessory muscle use
6.     Dyspnoea
7.     Tracheal tug
8.     Respiratory pattern
9.     PaCO2 on blood gas analysis
10.   Ph on blood gas analysis
11.   Apnoea
12.   Stridor
13.   Head bobbing
14.   Using stomach to breathe
15.   Cyanosis
16.   Effort of breathing
17.   Air entry
18.   Oxygen requirements
19.   Oxygen saturation
20.   See saw chest motion
21.   Day of illness
22.   Personal concerns / ‘gut’ feeling
23.   Parental concerns
24.   General condition
25.   Chronic lung disease
26.   Congenital heart disease
27.   HIV/ immunodeficiency
28.   Gestational age (<37 weeks)
29.   Low birth weight
30.   Bacterial or viral co-infection
31.   Alertness
32.   Irritability
33.   Drowsiness
34.   Responds to pain
35.   Unresponsive
36.   AVPU scale (alert, verbal, pain, unresponsive)
37.   Feeding
38.   Urine output
39.   Central capillary refill time measured over a given time
40.   Peripheral perfusion
41.   Mottled appearance
42.   Sunken eyes
43.   Sunken fonatanelle
44.   Heart rate
45.   Pallor